Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
#Happiness in small things, small but precious.. it is all about #GoodTimes and #GoodMoods ..how many of you get pleasure in small things in life? What are they ? #Timus #Luggage #Backpacks #Nationalbrand #InternationalQuality

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
That's how we play at #Work .. healthy competition. It is so amazing to work with Preeti, what dedication.. single handedly she drives the team to achive new heights in E-commerce. #BigGoals #10000pcs #Monthly #Timus #NationalBrand #InternationalQuality

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
#LatePost #BNI #Thursday #EduSlot thanks for the opportunity Jayessh Bhai. #ChangingTheWayWorldDoesBusiness #Timus #500Stores #NationalBrand #NearYou

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
It is immense pleasure to work with team members who drive #timus such effeciently. #1000 days without any minor or major accident at work place. #doctorLikeInspection #Gettingthebasics in place. #nationalbrand

Monday, January 6, 2020
You will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them #BestCompany #LongWalks #youandI #Love

Friday, January 3, 2020
Wall by Wall, Step by Step.. We are here to spread our Wings #Timus #Luggage #Backpacks #TeamWork #500Stores #nationalbrand