Saturday, February 13, 2021

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” Hence, Exciting Giveaways coming up soon on @timuslifestyle Stay tuned. Do you know With every time u have used #TimusBuiltByFriends you are eligible for Appropriate Cash Back from Timus?? Have you been to bag shop around your neighborhood and Asked for Timus ?? Share your experience and we are happy to cover..

Friday, February 12, 2021

Your Support Matters. Thank You for being Supporting #Timus Products and we really value your time, energy and the effort you all put in my dear Friends and hence we proudly say #TimusBuiltByFriends Each time you go to bag shop in your neighborhood and ask for Timus bags is a support in itself. I can not Thank you enough. Many write to me and many Call me when they do the same and then the story follows. Thank You ❤️ I have Noticed many of you have started using #TimusBuiltByFriends Thank You ❤️ For all those who call and ask us on how u can support us.. just use our Hashtags and this support itself is valuable. Trust Me, it is not always Money. It is Beyond. ❤️ Thank You

Monday, February 1, 2021

Thank You @emlinelias for being Super Awesome Team !! You have always inspired other team members by showing them how amazing they are !! Indeed @timuslifestyle is built by friends and hence, #TimusBuiltByFriends #Timus #luggage #Backpacks #Bags #GymBags are available on #amazon and #flipkart Buy only if you are a #classy #awesome and #deserving #individual Not made For all !! Be there , to be there.